Sunday, July 17, 2011

roadtrip: thoughts

one: I thought I would be bored out of my mind after a few hours driving solo. So not the case. I think I could've driven for days, not interacted with another human being, and been perfectly content.

two: There is something about wildflowers that makes me want to get my hippie on.

three: There is something about big sky and the smell of cow poop that makes me want to marry a cowboy and live on a ranch. In Texas.

four: I now have an awesome tan on my left arm.

five: I am now incapable of driving without thinking about and fighting for the 'inside track'. You did this to me, Brad Kresge!

six: I love country music, but is there anything worse than patriotic country songs? Ish.

seven: the only social interaction on the road: exchanging looks of mutual disgust. The other driver because my driving is messing up his or her groove; me because he or she is a jerk driver (probably Iowan).

eight: Car-dancing, with no one around to witness my sweet moves, is a real pity.

nine: clouds on the horizon always stir up my creativity. I imagine beautiful, South-African mountains them. Even while driving through Iowa.

ten: freshly-cut wheat, tasseled corn, layered clouds, farm houses, the horizon in every direction - from these I gain inspiration. I must put myself in country settings such as these more often, it's good for my soul.


Emily said...

I love how you wrote this post, Whit.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! I love #3 and #7! Please marry a cowboy and let me come visit you in texas. If you do, I promise to marry a shepherd ;)

Anonymous said...

you're cool.